Rev. Chris Watkins and his wife, Christy Watkins

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Chris is a third-generation Pentecostal minister. His grandfather was a pioneer preacher and built churches in the IPHC denomination.His father and mother also evangelized and were tent preachers and pastored various churches for over 50 years.Christy, who is a Registered Nurse, also comes from a strong background of faith.Her grandfather served in theFree-Will Baptist denomination as a pastor and ministerial trainer, and he was on the Executive board for many years.

Together, Chris and Christy have traveled extensively singing and performing gospel music. They have both been blessed with multiple musical abilities, including playing musical instruments, singing, and songwriting. Their group, The Chosen Few, traveled all over various states performing and ministering about the love of Jesus Christ.It was through the song ministry that Chris accepted the call to the preaching ministry and began an independent evangelistic ministry, which he continued for four years. During this time, God blessed tremendously and opened many doors of opportunity for the ministry. Then, in 2003, Chris entered the pastorate and became a full-time minister with the North Carolina conference of the denomination in which he was raised: the IPHC (International Pentecostal Holiness Church). Chris has continued to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord and has pursued further study and graduated from various religious schools including Rhema Bible College in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, as well as Carolina Bible institute.

Chris and Christy are a ministerial team who provide anointed musical talents and preaching at every ministerial opportunity they are given.Since 2009, they have served as the senior pastoral couple at Bethany Pentecostal Holiness Church, where Chris holds the distinction of being the longest serving pastor in the Church’s 104-year history, having served for over 11 years.In addition, Chris is the nephew of a former pastor,Rev. Ralph Lambert, who served Bethany Pentecostal Holiness Church years ago and has now gone to Heaven to receive his reward.

This dynamic ministerial couple has the joy of being the parents to three wonderful children: Emily, who is currently studying in the field of Occupational Therapy; Jacob, who is a member of the United States Coast Guard; and Andrew, who is a middle school student in the local school system. The family embraces and lives by the scripture that comes from the epistle of Hebrews:“without faith it is impossible to please God.He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him!”